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Mastering NGINX Troubleshooting

Learn how to identify and fix common NGINX errors, ensuring your web server runs smoothly and efficiently. This article provides a step-by-step guide to troubleshooting and resolving issues, helping y …

Updated September 20, 2024

Learn how to identify and fix common NGINX errors, ensuring your web server runs smoothly and efficiently. This article provides a step-by-step guide to troubleshooting and resolving issues, helping you become an NGINX expert.

Mastering NGINX Troubleshooting: Common Errors and Fixes

As a web administrator, you understand the importance of a reliable web server. NGINX is one of the most popular choices for serving websites, but like any software, it’s not immune to errors. In this article, we’ll explore common NGINX errors, their causes, and step-by-step fixes.

Why Troubleshooting NGINX Matters

Troubleshooting NGINX is crucial to ensure your website remains available, secure, and performs optimally. A single misconfiguration or error can lead to:

  • Downtime and lost revenue
  • Security vulnerabilities and data breaches
  • Poor user experience and decreased engagement

By learning how to identify and fix common errors, you’ll be able to:

  • Minimize downtime and ensure business continuity
  • Protect your website from security threats
  • Optimize performance and improve user experience

Common NGINX Errors and Fixes

1. “403 Forbidden” Error

The “403 Forbidden” error occurs when NGINX is unable to access the requested resource due to permission issues.

Cause: Insufficient permissions on the file or directory, or incorrect ownership.


  • Verify file and directory permissions using ls -l and chmod commands.
  • Ensure correct ownership using chown command.
  • Update NGINX configuration to reflect changes.


sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
sudo chmod 755 /var/www/html/index.html

2. “502 Bad Gateway” Error

The “502 Bad Gateway” error occurs when NGINX is unable to connect to an upstream server.

Cause: Misconfigured upstream server, incorrect proxy settings, or network connectivity issues.


  • Verify upstream server configuration and ensure it’s running.
  • Check proxy settings in NGINX configuration file (e.g., proxy_pass directive).
  • Test network connectivity using tools like curl or telnet.


sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

# Update proxy_pass directive to point to correct upstream server
http {
    upstream backend {
        server localhost:8080;

3. “504 Gateway Timeout” Error

The “504 Gateway Timeout” error occurs when NGINX times out waiting for a response from an upstream server.

Cause: Insufficient timeout values, slow upstream server response, or network latency issues.


  • Increase proxy_read_timeout and proxy_send_timeout values in NGINX configuration file.
  • Optimize upstream server performance or adjust load balancing settings.
  • Monitor network latency using tools like ping or mtr.


sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

# Update timeout values to 30 seconds
http {
    proxy_read_timeout 30s;
    proxy_send_timeout 30s;

4. “SSL Handshake Failed” Error

The “SSL handshake failed” error occurs when NGINX is unable to establish a secure connection with the client.

Cause: Misconfigured SSL certificates, incorrect protocol settings, or cipher mismatch.


  • Verify SSL certificate configuration and ensure it’s correctly installed.
  • Check protocol settings (e.g., ssl_protocols directive) in NGINX configuration file.
  • Update cipher suite to match client browser capabilities.


sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

# Update ssl_protocols directive to support TLS 1.2 and 1.3
http {
    ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;


Troubleshooting NGINX requires a systematic approach, attention to detail, and an understanding of the underlying configuration. By mastering common errors and fixes, you’ll be able to:

  • Quickly diagnose and resolve issues
  • Improve website performance and security
  • Enhance user experience and engagement

Remember to regularly review your NGINX configuration, monitor logs, and perform routine maintenance tasks to prevent errors from occurring in the first place.

Summary of Key Points

  • Common NGINX errors include “403 Forbidden”, “502 Bad Gateway”, “504 Gateway Timeout”, and “SSL handshake failed”.
  • Causes range from misconfigured permissions and upstream servers to network connectivity issues and cipher mismatches.
  • Fixes involve updating configuration files, verifying file ownership and permissions, and adjusting timeout values.

By applying these troubleshooting techniques and best practices, you’ll become proficient in resolving common NGINX errors and ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently.

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