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Mastering HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) with NGINX

Learn how to implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) with NGINX to ensure secure connections between your website and its users. …

Updated September 20, 2024

Learn how to implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) with NGINX to ensure secure connections between your website and its users.

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a security feature that helps protect websites and their users from protocol downgrade attacks. In this article, we’ll explore what HSTS is, its importance, use cases, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to implement it with NGINX.

What is HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)?

HSTS is a web security policy mechanism that helps prevent protocol downgrade attacks by instructing browsers to always communicate with a website over HTTPS. It does this by sending a special response header, Strict-Transport-Security, which tells the browser to automatically convert any HTTP requests to HTTPS.

Think of HSTS like a permanent redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Just as you might set up a 301 redirect to permanently move traffic from one URL to another, HSTS sets up a permanent redirect from HTTP to HTTPS for your website’s domain and subdomains.

Importance and Use Cases

HSTS is an essential security feature that offers several benefits:

  • Prevents Protocol Downgrade Attacks: Hackers often try to downgrade the protocol used between a browser and website from HTTPS to HTTP. This allows them to intercept sensitive data, like passwords or credit card numbers. HSTS prevents this by ensuring all communication remains over HTTPS.
  • Ensures Secure Connections: With HSTS enabled, browsers will always connect to your website using HTTPS, even if the user types in http:// instead of https://.
  • Simplifies SSL/TLS Management: When you set up HSTS, you can ensure that all connections are secure and encrypted without having to worry about managing multiple protocols.

Common use cases for HSTS include:

  • E-commerce websites: Protect sensitive user data, like credit card numbers and personal info.
  • Financial institutions: Secure online banking and financial transactions.
  • Healthcare providers: Safeguard patient records and medical information.
  • Government agencies: Ensure the security of sensitive government data.

Implementing HSTS with NGINX

Now that you understand what HSTS is and its importance, let’s walk through a step-by-step guide on how to implement it with NGINX:

Step 1: Set Up HTTPS

Before implementing HSTS, ensure your website has an SSL/TLS certificate installed. You can use tools like Let’s Encrypt or purchase a certificate from a trusted authority.

Step 2: Add the Strict-Transport-Security Header

In your NGINX configuration file (nginx.conf), add the following line within the http block:

add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains";

Here’s what this header does:

  • max-age: Specifies how long (in seconds) the browser should cache the HSTS policy. Set to one year in this example.
  • includeSubdomains: Applies the HSTS policy to all subdomains.

Step 3: Test Your Configuration

After updating your NGINX configuration, test it using tools like OpenSSL or online SSL/TLS testing services:

openssl s_client -connect yourwebsite.com:443 -servername yourwebsite.com

Verify that the Strict-Transport-Security header is present in the response.

Step 4: Preload Your HSTS Policy

To maximize security, consider preloading your HSTS policy with Google’s HSTS preload list. This ensures that most modern browsers will enforce your website’s HSTS policy even before a user visits it.


In this article, we explored what HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is, its importance, and how to implement it with NGINX. By following these steps, you’ll significantly enhance the security of your website and protect your users' sensitive data.

Key Takeaways:

  • HSTS prevents protocol downgrade attacks by instructing browsers to always communicate over HTTPS.
  • Implementing HSTS with NGINX involves adding a Strict-Transport-Security header to your configuration file.
  • Ensure you set up HTTPS and test your configuration before enabling HSTS.

By mastering HSTS, you’ll join the ranks of web security experts who prioritize protecting users' sensitive data. Stay secure!

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