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Mastering NGINX

Learn how to setup NGINX as a reverse proxy to enhance security, scalability, and performance of your web applications. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the concept, importance, and use cases of revers …

Updated September 21, 2024

Learn how to setup NGINX as a reverse proxy to enhance security, scalability, and performance of your web applications. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the concept, importance, and use cases of reverse proxying with NGINX.

What is a Reverse Proxy?

A reverse proxy is a server that sits between a client and a server, acting as an intermediary for requests from the client to the server. It receives incoming requests, modifies or manipulates them if needed, and then forwards them to the origin server. The response from the origin server is then received by the reverse proxy, which can further modify it before sending it back to the client.

Why Use a Reverse Proxy with NGINX?

Using NGINX as a reverse proxy offers numerous benefits:

  • Security: A reverse proxy can protect your origin server from external attacks by hiding its IP address and acting as a shield.
  • Scalability: By distributing incoming traffic across multiple servers, you can improve responsiveness and handle high loads more efficiently.
  • Performance: NGINX can optimize content delivery by caching frequently requested resources, compressing data, and leveraging HTTP/2.

Setting up NGINX as a Reverse Proxy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Install and Configure NGINX

Before setting up NGINX as a reverse proxy, ensure you have it installed on your system. You can download the latest version from the official NGINX website or use a package manager like apt-get for Linux systems.

Once installed, create a new configuration file in the /etc/nginx/conf.d/ directory (or equivalent). In this example, we’ll name our configuration file reverse-proxy.conf.

Step 2: Define the Upstream Server

In your reverse-proxy.conf file, define an upstream server block to specify the IP address and port of your origin server.

upstream myapp {
    server localhost:8080;

This example assumes your origin server is running on the same machine as NGINX and listening on port 8080.

Step 3: Configure the Reverse Proxy

Create a new server block in the reverse-proxy.conf file to define the reverse proxy configuration:

server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://myapp;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

In this example, NGINX listens on port 80 and proxies all incoming requests to the myapp upstream server. The proxy_set_header directives set the Host and X-Real-IP headers in the proxied request.

Step 4: Reload NGINX Configuration

Reload the NGINX configuration by running the following command:

sudo nginx -s reload

Testing Your Reverse Proxy Setup

To verify that your reverse proxy is working correctly, you can use tools like curl or a web browser to send requests to the NGINX server.

For example, using curl, you can test the setup as follows:

curl -I http://localhost/

This should return the HTTP headers from your origin server, indicating that the reverse proxy is working correctly.


In this tutorial, we’ve explored the concept of a reverse proxy and how to set up NGINX as one. By following these steps, you can unlock the benefits of using a reverse proxy with NGINX, including improved security, scalability, and performance for your web applications.

Additional Resources:

Remember to stay tuned for more tutorials on mastering NGINX!

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